レーベル: RCA,RCA
メディアコンディション: Very Good Plus (VG+)
スリーブコンディション: Very Good Plus (VG+)
国: Japan
リリース: 1976
ジャンル: Rock
スタイル:Folk Rock, Glam
コメント:With obi&insert.
Includes obi and insert with liner notes in Japanese backed by lyrics in English. Recorded in 1969 at Trident Studios, London, England ℗ 1976 RCA Records Manufactured by RVC Corporation Tokyo, Japan
A1. Space Oddity = スペイス・オディティ 5:15
A2. Unwashed And Somewhat Slightly Dazed = 眩惑された魂 6:55
A3. Letter To Hermione = ヘルミオーネへの手紙 2:28
A4. Cygnet Committee = シグネット・コミティー 9:33
B1. Janine = ジャニーヌ 3:18
B2. An Occasional Dream = おりおりの夢 2:51
B3. The Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud = フリークラウドから来たワイルドな瞳の少年 4:45
B4. God Knows I'm Good = 神は知っている 3:13
B5. Memory Of A Free Festival = フリー・フェスティバルの思い出 7:05
Arranged By - David Bowie
Arranged By - Tony Visconti
Bass Guitar - Herbie Flowers
Bass Guitar - Honk (3)
Bass Guitar - Tony Visconti
Cello - Paul Buckmaster
Drums - John Cambridge
Drums - Terry Cox
Engineer - Barry Sheffield
Engineer - Malcolm Toft
Flute, Recorder - Tim Renwick
Flute, Recorder - Tony Visconti
Guitar - Keith Christmas
Guitar - Mick Wayne
Guitar - Tim Renwick
Harmonica - Benny Marshall And Friends
Liner Notes - Eeji Ogura
Mellotron, Electric Harpsichord - Rick Wakeman
Producer - Tony Visconti
Recorded By - Ken Scott
Vocals, Keyboards [Stylophone], Kalimba, Organ [Rosedale Electric Chord], Twelve-String Guitar - David Bowie
Written-By - David Bowie
Price Code ¥2,500
Matrix / Runout RCA-6067-A
Matrix / Runout RCA-6067-B
Matrix / Runout 〄Ⓑ RCA 6067A 111 ⊹ HJ J K
Matrix / Runout RCA 6067B 141 ⊹
Other ④
Other ⑤
Rights Society ASCAP
Rights Society BMI
Phonographic Copyright (p) RCA Records
Manufactured By RVC Corporation
Record Company RCA Corporation
Distributed By RVC Corporation
Recorded At Trident Studios
Lacquer Cut At Victor Company Of Japan, Ltd.