




Sample Images!
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Please read the description for condition details and the accessories.
The condition of the record and sleeve can differ from the picture (with/without obi)


With obi & 4 panel fold out insert. Sleeve has faint stains on both sides, inside the sleeve has yellwoing, but together with additional items are still in very good shape.

Additional information:

Sleeve Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Media Condition: Near Mint (NM or M-)
Catalog Number: 28AH 2075
Year: 1986
Title: いにしえの響き -パウル・クレーの絵のように- = Klee
Format Name: Vinyl
Label: CBS/Sony
Genre: Jazz
Style: Modern
Country: Japan
Format Type: LP, Album

SKU: 3110538438 Category: Jazz


Track 1: 秋を告げる使者 = Bote Des Herbstes
Track 2: 水中の魚たち = Fisch-Bild
Track 3: さえずり機会 = Die Zwitscher-Maschine
Track 4: 世捨て人の庵 = Einsiedelei
Track 5: 青い花 = Blaue Blume
Track 6: 乾いて冷たい庭園 = Trocken-Kühler Garten
Track 7: 雪の前 = Vor Dem Schnee
Track 8: にぎわう港 = Reicher Hafen
Track 9: 冬の山 = Gebirge Im Winter
Track 10: 公園のたそがれ = Dämmerung Im Park
Track 11: 大通りと脇道 = Hauptweg Und Nebenwege
Track 12: いにしえの響き = Alter Klang
Takashi Kako - いにしえの響き -パウル・クレーの絵のように- = Klee (LP, Album)
Takashi Kako - いにしえの響き -パウル・クレーの絵のように- = Klee (LP, Album) 促销价格¥2,960 JPY