




Sample Images!
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Please read the description for condition details and the accessories.
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Sleeve has corner cut and scratches. Record has sligth mark.

Additional information:

Sleeve Condition: Good Plus (G+)
Media Condition: Very Good (VG)
Catalog Number: K56085
Year: 1974
Title: The Legend Of The 7 Golden Vampires (Original Soundtrack)
Format Name: Vinyl
Label: Warner Bros. Records
Genre: Non-Music
Style: Soundtrack
Country: UK
Format Type: LP

SKU: 2370703786.0 Category: Non-Music


Track 1: The Legend Of Ancient China
Track 2: Prologue
Track 3: The Seven Golden Vampires
Track 4: The Chinese Embassy Party
Track 5: The Street Fight And The Martial Arts Fight
Track 6: The Legend Of Ancient China
Track 7: The Legend Of Ancient China
Track 8: Preparation For The Trek
Track 9: The Lovers
Track 10: The Vampires Attack
Track 11: Romance Blossoms
Track 12: The Destruction Of The Vampires
Track 13: The Lovers Death
Track 14: Count Draculas Death And Disintegration
Track 15: Epilogue
Track 16: The Legend Of Ancient China
James Bernard (2) - The Legend Of The 7 Golden Vampires (Original S...
James Bernard (2) - The Legend Of The 7 Golden Vampires (Original S... 促销价格¥1,406 JPY