




Sample Images!
Images are being taken from our Database.
Please read the description for condition details and the accessories.
The condition of the record and sleeve can differ from the picture (with/without obi)


no obi. with insert. record has cloudy and hairline. sleeve has ring wear and mold stain and faded.

Additional information:

Sleeve Condition: Good Plus (G+)
Media Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Catalog Number: 20AP 1428
Year: 1979
Title: A Portrait Of Fletcher Henderson 1925 - 1937
Format Name: Vinyl
Label: CBS/Sony
Genre: Jazz
Style: Unknown
Country: Japan
Format Type: LP, Comp, Mono, RE

SKU: 2226295348 Category: Jazz


Track 1: Sugerfoot Stomp
Track 2: T.N.T.
Track 3: The Stampede
Track 4: Henderson Stomp
Track 5: Rocky Mountain Blues
Track 6: I’m Coming Virginia
Track 7: St.Louis Blues
Track 8: Easy Money
Track 9: Come On Baby
Track 10: Wang Wang Blues
Track 11: Keep A Song In Your Soul
Track 12: Yeah Man
Track 13: King Porter Stomp
Track 14: Stealin’ Apples
Track 15: Christopher Columbus
Track 16: Back In Your Own Backyard
Fletcher Henderson - A Portrait Of Fletcher Henderson 1925 - 1937(L...
Fletcher Henderson - A Portrait Of Fletcher Henderson 1925 - 1937(L... 促销价格¥1,734 JPY