




Sample Images!
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Please read the description for condition details and the accessories.
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no obi. with insert. record has There is a little hairline. There are mold stains all over both sides of the jacket. sleeve has side A has slightly different Runout, it shows 28AH–1505A1 〄CS 1 B 5 +, 28AH–1505B1 1 A 8.

Additional information:

Sleeve Condition: Very Good (VG)
Media Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Catalog Number: 28AH 1505
Year: 1982
Title: 脚線美の誘惑 Kyakusenbi No Yuhwaku
Format Name: Vinyl
Label: CBS/Sony
Genre: Jazz
Style: Fusion
Country: Japan
Format Type: LP, Album

SKU: 2129865887 Category: Jazz


Track 1: Hawaii E Ikitai
Track 2: The Rest Of A Romance
Track 3: Kyakusenbi No Yuhwaku
Track 4: Hearts
Track 5: Loves Still Burnin
Track 6: Change Your Mind
Track 7: Between
Track 8: Full Circle
Track 9: Memories Of Alice
The Square* - 脚線美の誘惑 Kyakusenbi No Yuhwaku (LP, Album)
The Square* - 脚線美の誘惑 Kyakusenbi No Yuhwaku (LP, Album) 促销价格¥1,268 JPY