レーベル: Paddle Wheel
メディアコンディション: Very Good Plus (VG+)
スリーブコンディション: Very Good Plus (VG+)
国: Japan
リリース: 1986
ジャンル: Jazz
スタイル:Big Band, Swing
コメント:Record has some lines. Cover has two hits, one in the superior side and the other in the bottom. Cover, insert and obi with foxing dots/
Recorded at King Studio, Tokyo, August 27, 28, & 29; September 6, 1986
1. Basie 3:53
2. Topsy 6:04
3. Bye Bye Love 3:34
4. Blues Backstage 5:02
5. Pretty Girl 3:37
6. Keeping Count 4:54
7. Whirly Bird 3:20
8. Corner Pocket 4:48
9. Ballad For 88 4:01
Arranged By - Dave Matthews (3)
Engineer [Assistant] - Seiji Kaneko
Executive-Producer - Masami Matsuoka
Producer - Shigeyuki Kawashima
Producer - Tatsuya Nezaki
Recorded By [Engineer] - Hatsuro Takanami
Supervised By [Musical Supervisor] - Tatsuya Takahashi
Barcode T4988 003 01404 9
Manufactured By King Record Co. Ltd