レーベル: Fitzbeat
メディアコンディション: Very Good Plus (VG+)
スリーブコンディション: Very Good Plus (VG+)
国: Japan
リリース: 1986-11-21
ジャンル: Rock
スタイル:Heavy Metal
コメント:With obi & insert. Cover has fade.
Comes with obi and inner insert with lyrics and more Romaji title: Jigoku Yori Ai O Komete
A1. Death Land = デスランド 4:09
A2. Aphrodite = アフロディーテ 4:47
A3. M・O・A・I (Marae) = モアイ 5:23
A4. El・Do・Ra・Do = エルドラド 4:47
A5. Akumu No sakebi = 悪夢の叫び 4:44
B1. Makai Bukyoku = 魔界舞曲 5:19
B2. Adam No Ringo = アダムの林檎 4:30
B3. Himitsu No Hanazono = 秘密の花園 5:24
B4. From Hell With Love = フルム・ヘル・ウィズ・ラヴ 6:66
B5. Jigoku E No Kaidan = 地獄への階段 1:36
Art Direction - Hiroshi Maeda
Bass - Xenon Ishikawa
Chorus - Kazuhiro Marusawa
Coordinator - Kazuyoshi Yagi
Design - Harue Kishimoto
Design - Hideki Yamazaki (2)
Design - Hiroshi Maeda
Directed By - Kazuhiro Marusawa
Drums - Raiden Yuzawa
Engineer - Masashi Goto
Engineer [Assistant] - Koji Suzuki
Engineer [Assistant] - Yoshihide Mikami
Executive-Producer - Hiroshi Inagaki
Executive-Producer - Yoshiaki Sato (2)
Film Director - Hiroyuki Itaya
Guitar, Chorus - Ace Shimizu
Guitar, Chorus - Jail O'hashi
Layout [Visual Co-ordinator] - Toshiaki Iseki
Management - Kikuo Hirano
Management [Executive Manager] - Shuzo Iwai
Management [Music Chase Staff] - Darma Kodama
Management [Music Chase Staff] - Jesus Harada
Photography By - Masa Ono
Promotion [Chief] - Kenya Yamamoto
Promotion [SD Promotion Staff] - Fumio Shimada
Promotion [SD Promotion Staff] - Kenji Mori
Promotion [SD Promotion Staff] - Kenji Watanabe (2)
Promotion [SD Promotion Staff] - Koji Asai
Promotion [SD Promotion Staff] - Satoshi Shime
Promotion [SD Promotion Staff] - Shinichi Niioka
Promotion [SD Promotion Staff] - Shinpachi Honma
Promotion [SD Promotion Staff] - Shoji Yamanishi
Promotion [SD Promotion Staff] - Yoshimi Shimizu (2)
Synthesizer, Piano - Naoshi Tsuda
Technician [Response Operator] - Eiji Aijima
Vocals, Chorus - Demon Kogure
Barcode T4988 009 42092 9
Barcode 4988009420929
Matrix / Runout 28AH-2119A1 〄CS 1 A 14
Matrix / Runout 28AH-2119B1 1 A 17
Matrix / Runout 28AH-2119A1 〄CS 1 A 8
Matrix / Runout 28AH-2119B1 1 A 9
Rights Society JASRAC
Price Code ¥2,800
Other H・11・21
Manufactured By CBS/Sony Inc.
Recorded At Kannonzaki Marine Studio
Recorded At CBS/Sony Shinanomachi Studio