レーベル: Trio Records
メディアコンディション: Very Good Plus (VG+)
スリーブコンディション: Very Good Plus (VG+)
国: Japan
リリース: 1978
ジャンル: Jazz, Rock, Funk / Soul
スタイル:Jazz-Rock, Jazz-Funk, Soft Rock
コメント:With Obi & Insert. Record has scuff & long hairline. Insert has stains. Matrix has slight stains.
Manufactured and distributed by TRIO RECORDS, Tokyo under . License from ABATOIR RECORDS/KAHUKU PRODUCTIONS.
A1. Many Classic Moments
A2. The Ultimate
A3. Down By The Sea
A4. The Water Song
A5. Uptown Country
B1. Sunny Days
B2. Naturally
B3. Can You See Him
Bass, Vocals - Randy Aloya
Drums, Percussion - Alvin Fejarang
Engineer - Lewis Mark
Guitar, Vocals - David John Pratt
Guitar, Vocals - Malani Bilyeu
Keyboards - Kirk Thompson (2)
Liner Notes - Reiko Yukawa
Producer - Kalapana
Saxophone, Percussion - Michael Paulo
Licensed From Abattoir Records
Made By Trio Electronics, Inc.
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