レーベル: Epic
メディアコンディション: Very Good (VG)
スリーブコンディション: Very Good (VG)
国: US
リリース: 1978
ジャンル: Jazz, Rock
スタイル:Fusion, Jazz-Funk, Jazz-Rock
コメント:Record has hairline&scuffs.Sleeve has stain&fade.
℗ © 1975 [l211334. Manufactured by [l61835/[l211334, 51 West 52St., New York, N.Y. "Epic" Marca Reg. An Equator Production. Pitman pressing - Stamp indicating P for Pitman is very faint and can be missed if unfamiliar with where it is usually stamped in the runout
A1. You Know What I Mean 4:02
A2. She's A Woman 4:28
A3. Constipated Duck 2:50
A4. Air Blower 5:07
A5. Scatterbrain 5:30
B1. Cause We've Ended As Lovers 5:51
B2. Thelonius 3:17
B3. Freeway Jam 4:57
B4. Diamond Dust 8:24
Bass - Phil Chen
Cover [Art] - John Collier (3)
Design - John Berg
Drums, Percussion - Richard Bailey
Engineer - Denim Bridges
Guitar - Jeff Beck
Keyboards - Max Middleton
Orchestrated By [Arranged] - George Martin
Producer - George Martin
Matrix / Runout AL 33409
Matrix / Runout BL 33409
Matrix / Runout P AL-33409-1E S \ P
Matrix / Runout P BL-33409-1D S \ C33
Matrix / Runout AL 33409-1L D P
Matrix / Runout P BL 33409-1AD P
Manufactured By Epic Records
Manufactured By CBS Inc.
Phonographic Copyright (p) CBS Inc.
Copyright (c) CBS Inc.
Pressed By Columbia Records Pressing Plant, Pitman
Recorded At Air Studios
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