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Sample Images!
Images are being taken from our Database.
Please read the description for condition details and the accessories.
The condition of the record and sleeve can differ from the picture (with/without obi)


With Obi&insert(stain).Sleeve has many stains.Record has hairline.

Additional information:

Sleeve Condition: Good Plus (G+)
Media Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Catalog Number: SH28-5001
Year: 1986
Title: The Puzzle = パズル
Format Name: Vinyl
Label: SMS Records
Genre: Jazz
Style: Unknown
Country: Japan
Format Type: LP, Album

SKU: 2244704491.0 Category: Jazz


Track 1: Loose Change = ルース・チェンジ
Track 2: Double Bass = ダブル・ベース
Track 3: El Rompe Cabeza = パズル
Track 4: Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child = サムタイムス・アイ・フィール・ライク・ア・マザーレス・チャイルド
Track 5: Third Plane = サード・プレイン
Track 6: Little Waltz = リトル・ワルツ
Track 7: Blues For D.P. = ブルース・フォー・D.P.
Track 8: Tone Poem = トーン・ポエム
Ron Carter = ロン・カーター* - The Puzzle = パズル (LP, Album)
Ron Carter = ロン・カーター* - The Puzzle = パズル (LP, Album) Prix de vente¥1,689 JPY