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Sample Images!
Images are being taken from our Database.
Please read the description for condition details and the accessories.
The condition of the record and sleeve can differ from the picture (with/without obi)


Not Pr0m0. with obi(stain),insert(wrinkle,stain). Record has hairlines. sleeve has damaged of edge, bumped corner,stain.

Additional information:

Sleeve Condition: Very Good (VG)
Media Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Catalog Number: ETP-72253
Year: 1977
Title: 人生はカルナバル
Format Name: Vinyl
Label: Express
Genre: Jazz
Style: Bossanova
Country: Japan
Format Type: LP, Album, Promo

SKU: 2730658345 Category: Jazz


Track 1: 11時の夜汽車
Track 2: 雨の哀愁
Track 3: 酔いどれサンバ
Track 4: 白いベッドに枯葉
Track 5: オレンジの村で
Track 6: 人生はカルナバル
Track 7: 愛の終わりのサンバ
Track 8: 愛を5月に
Track 9: メルヘン
Track 10: 今はあなたに
Track 11: 裏町の唄
Track 12: 他人同志のサンバ
Hitomi Ueda - 人生はカルナバル (LP, Album, Promo)
Hitomi Ueda - 人生はカルナバル (LP, Album, Promo) Precio de oferta¥11,273 JPY