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Please read the description for condition details and the accessories.
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No obi.With insert.

Additional information:

Sleeve Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Media Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Catalog Number: 28AH 1760
Year: 1984
Title: Cryptograph = 愛の暗号
Format Name: Vinyl
Label: CBS/Sony
Genre: Electronic
Style: Funk
Country: Japan
Format Type: LP, Album

SKU: 2507558249 Category: Electronic


Track 1: Tsukikage No Paranoia = 月影のパラノイア
Track 2: Binetsu = 微熱
Track 3: Typhoon
Track 4: Grand-Prix No Natsu = グランプリの夏
Track 5: Transit
Track 6: Sugar Shuffle
Track 7: Koi Nante Kantan = 恋なんてかんたん
Track 8: Anemone = アネモネ
Track 9: Amaoto Wa Chopin No Shirabe = 雨音はショパンの調べ
Track 10: Lolita Go Home
Asami Kobayashi = 小林麻美* - Cryptograph = 愛の暗号 (LP, Album)
Asami Kobayashi = 小林麻美* - Cryptograph = 愛の暗号 (LP, Album) Precio de oferta¥1,326 JPY