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Sample Images!
Images are being taken from our Database.
Please read the description for condition details and the accessories.
The condition of the record and sleeve can differ from the picture (with/without obi)


With Obi,Insert. Obi has split,wrinkles,stain. Cover has stain(Large),ring wear,small wrinkles(corner)

Additional information:

Sleeve Condition: Very Good (VG)
Media Condition: Near Mint (NM or M-)
Catalog Number: WX-7020
Year: 1978
Title: 過去との遭遇
Format Name: Vinyl
Label: Columbia
Genre: Electronic
Style: Musique Concrète
Country: Japan
Format Type: LP, Album, Mono

SKU: 3180116306 Category: Electronic


Track 1: 織田信長
Track 2: 豊臣秀吉
Track 3: 徳川家康
Track 4: 芳村真理
Track 5: ベートーベン
Track 6: リンカーン
Track 7: マンモス
Track 8: 縄文人
Track 9: 弥生人
Track 10: インカ人
Track 11: 幾松
Track 12: 坂本龍馬
Track 13: モナリザ
Track 14: 三億円犯人
Track 15: 吉良上野介
Track 16: 浅野内匠頭
Track 17: 宮本武蔵
Track 18: シーザー
Track 19: 聖徳太子
Track 20: 板垣退助
Track 21: 西郷隆盛
Track 22: 夏目漱石
鈴木松美* - 過去との遭遇 (LP, Album, Mono)
鈴木松美* - 過去との遭遇 (LP, Album, Mono) Sale price¥8,975 JPY