レーベル: East Wind
メディアコンディション: Very Good Plus (VG+)
スリーブコンディション: Very Good Plus (VG+)
国: Japan
リリース: 1979
ジャンル: Jazz
コメント:No Obi. With Insert. Record has slight scratch. Sleeve has light corner bump.
Recorded February 19th and 20th 1977 at The Village Vanguard, NYC
A1. Confirmation 9:49
A2. Wind Flower 8:16
B1. Nardis 11:03
B2. Lawra 8:51
Bass - Ron Carter
Co-producer - David Baker
Co-producer - Hank Jones
Design [Album] - Heyqlow Kobayashi
Drums - Anthony Williams
Engineer [Assistant] - John Kilgore
Engineer [Cutting] - Tohru Kotetsu
Engineer [Mixing] - Yoshihiro Suzuki
Engineer [Recording] - David Baker
Executive-Producer - Toshinari Koinuma
Liner Notes - Shoichi Yui
Other [Promotion] - Yukio Morisaki
Photography By - Tadayuki Naitoh
Piano - Hank Jones
Producer - Kiyoshi Itoh
Producer - Yasohachi Itoh
Manufactured By Nippon Phonogram Co., Ltd.
Distributed By Nippon Phonogram Co., Ltd.
Recorded At Village Vanguard
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