レーベル: Nippon Life Insurance Co.
メディアコンディション: Very Good Plus (VG+)
スリーブコンディション: Very Good (VG)
国: Japan
リリース: 1983
ジャンル: Electronic
スタイル:Synth-pop, Experimental
コメント:sleeve has stain.
Not For Sale Originally distributed exclusively to Nippon Life Insurance Co. holders; Sakamoto appeared in ads for the company. Lyrics for track A are printed on back cover & A-side label. Track durations unlisted on release. Romaji titles: A: Kimi ni Tsuite... B1: Yoru no Gaspard B2: Ao Penki no Naka no Boku no Namida
A. きみについて......。 4:56
B1. 夜のガスパール 3:46
B2. 青ペンキの中の僕の涙 4:23
Art Direction - Tsuguya Inoue
Congas [Conga], Percussion - Motoya Hamaguchi
Drums - Yukihiro Takahashi
Engineer - Michio Nakakoshi
Engineer - Seigen Ono
Engineer - Shinichi Tanaka
Management - Hiroshi Okura
Management - Yoroshita Music Inc.
Management [Assistance] - Fumie Takahashi
Photography By - Somei Kanato
Producer, Arranged By, Instruments [All Other Instruments By] - Ryuichi Sakamoto
Soprano Saxophone - Hiroyasu Yaguchi
Tape Op - Michio Nakakoshi
Tape Op - Tadashi Inoue
Technician [Assistant] - Akihiko Yamaze
Technician [Assistant] - Koji Kanemaru
Matrix / Runout YOU-01-A
Matrix / Runout YOU-01-B
Rights Society JASRAC
Recorded At Onkio Haus
Mixed At Onkio Haus
Copyright (c) Yano Music Publishing Co., Ltd.
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