レーベル: RCA
メディアコンディション: Very Good Plus (VG+)
スリーブコンディション: Very Good (VG)
国: Japan
リリース: 1979-05-21
ジャンル: Rock, Funk / Soul, Pop
スタイル:City Pop, Disco, Funk, Kayōkyoku, Soul
コメント:No Obi. With Insert. Record has faint hairline. Sleeve has wear & corner bump.
Mariya Takeuchi 2nd studio album. Song titles are in English/Romanji on back of Jacket, in Japanese on the label. Some copies had a promotion for Mariya's previous (and first) studio album, Beginning, on the back of the obi strip.
A1. オン・ザ・ユニヴァーシティ・ストリート = On The University Street 2:26
A2. 涙のワンサイデッド・ラヴ = Namida No One-Sided Love 4:49
A3. 想い出のサマーデイズ = Omoide No Summer Days 3:41
A4. イズント・イット・オールウェイズ・ラヴ = Isn't It Always Love 3:17
A5. ホールド・オン = Hold On 4:13
B1. J-Boy 3:25
B2. ブルー・ホライズン = Blue Horizon 3:43
B3. ドリーム・オブ・ユー〜レモンライムの青い風 = Dream Of You 3:45
B4. かえらぬ面影 = Kaeranu Omokage 3:38
B5. グッドバイ・ユニヴァーシティ= Good-By University 4:00
Art Direction - Minoru Ogawa (2)
Design [Stylist] - Rikano Nakamura
Engineer [Assistant] - Masahiro Miyazawa
Engineer [Assistant] - Takamitsu Arai
Engineer [Recording] - Eiji Uchinuma
Engineer [Recording] - Speedy Yoshida
Engineer [Recording], Remix [Engineer] - Kazuyuki Masumoto
Liner Notes - Mariya Takeuchi
Management - Gen Kutsuzawa
Management - Peter Asher
Mastered By - Shizuo Nomiyama
Photography By - Akira Shikano
Producer - Kenichi Makimura
Producer - Shigeki Miyata
Rights Society JASRAC
Other ¥2,500
Matrix / Runout RVL-8041A 115 ++++ KL
Matrix / Runout RVL-8041B 111++++++
Matrix / Runout 〄Ⓑ RVL-8041AⓈ 112 ✲✲✲ F
Matrix / Runout G RVL-8041BⓈ 111 ✲✲✲
Manufactured By RVC Corporation
Phonographic Copyright (p) RVC Corporation
Copyright (c) RVC Corporation
Recorded At Onkio Haus
Recorded At Sound City Studio
Recorded At RVC Studio
Recorded At Hitokuchizaka Studio
Recorded At Rockwell Studio
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